I have been involved in enterprise level Java web application development for the better part of a decade at this juncture. I have deployed applications in the law, education, healthcare and business industries. I have worked with technologies ranging from JSPs and Servelets on to J2EE EJBs, Spring IoC and MVC, AspectJ, Struts, JSF, Seam, Wicket, JUnit, PowerMock, Maven, Ant, Hibernate, iBatis, Freemarker, Velocity, JNDI, JMS... The acronym-soup goes on and on. These technologies are all things that make the "Java development culture" proud!
I often find myself stunned at choices that are made in these cultures. Choices that make development more complex, reduce productivity, cause release delays and just flat out waste time. I have had a lot of reasons quoted at me why it is necessary (necessary!) to use Java for application development. These reasons range from "only Java is stable and scalable enough for us" to "that's where the developers are" and on to my personal favorite: "That's what I know, and it works great! Why should I change?" Ugh!
Why should you look at other languages and frameworks? Because most web applications that are developed in Java are wasteful! Nine hundred and ninety nine web applications out of a thousand don't need Java-level throughput. What's worse, most web applications developed in Java aren't even taking advantage of Java's speed because they're mired in unnecessary frameworks doing excessive reflection. I couldn't even begin to guess how many hundreds of hours of my life I've wasted sitting and waiting for builds.
Before you say that I'm being unreasonable by lumping all Java web applications together, I will say that there are some attempts to needle these problems down. That isn't what the larger community accepts. Maybe you are the exception. Could be. If so, I admire your tenacity. Anyways, onwards. To what I perceive as the seven deadly sins of Java development...
Deadly Sin # 7: Cleverness
It's not easy managing Java Developers. They're hard to pin down and they spend a lot of time talking about these great architectures they are going to come up with (usually within other architectures that have already been implemented). You end up with a composition nightmare. Instead of spaghetti code that used to result from bad coding, you get lasagna code that has layer after layer of complex abstraction after complex abstraction. One of the most important things to remember when developing is that code is twice as hard to test as it is to write. That means that if you write the most complex code you can, in the cleverest way you can, that you are, by definition, incapable of testing it thoroughly.
Deadly Sin # 6: Experience
Most Java developers show up straight out of college. Some have a background in coding, but most have done their time in internships. Usually that internship has solidified their knowledge in a particular piece of the pie that is Java, and not broadened their horizons further. Schools don't all have the same curricula, but they tend to preach Java for at the present time. That is just plain dogmatic. It's as if they're saying that you need a bulldozer to paint a sidewalk. While you probably could do it, how much sense does that really make?
Generally speaking, it takes about 3 years to turn yourself in to a well rounded Java developer. To understand all the idioms, jargon and idiosyncrasies of the language. During those three years you will be inundated with all sorts of concepts like inversion of control and aspect oriented programming. Many of which are a direct result of the need for more dynamic language features in the code. That's just one big code smell. If you want a dynamic language, why not use one?
Deadly Sin # 5: Drive
Learning all there is to know about Java requires a certain amount of drive. It's not something you can dabble in. You either are a Java developer or you aren't. You know it or you don't. While that may be a boon in some cases, it can become difficult to see who is pulling the acronym-soup wool over your eyes. Sure, you know the words for inversion of control, but what does it do? What is its purpose? Is it right for your project? Does it make your code more or less maintainable? The party line answer isn't good enough. This kind of drive is actually pretty rare. That also means that over the course of a Java developers career, they are going to have to learn and relearn all sorts of technologies. The culture continues to get more clever, requiring more out of every developer that wants to be involved.
Deadly Sin # 4: Cost
This is gluttony, pure and simple. The cost to run a Java development environment is extreme. Java developers require the best machines, with the most memory. Their environment usually requires a continuous integration server, versioning server, and more. All of which have to run on different machines because the Java software that integrates their Java software is so bloated that it requires devoted resources to run at acceptable speeds. Once you get past the development environment, you're probably looking at a fair sized server farm just to run the basic application that you want. Perhaps you can get around that by running in a cloud, perhaps not. Most companies want total control, and that means that your Java apps require a massive investment before you even consider having your first real client on the system. This doesn't even bring in to account what Java developers consider themselves being worth because of their lengthy college education and their ability to wade through the overly clever technologies they are working with.
Deadly Sin # 3: Time
Waiting on your IDE to load, index, churn through all of your code, stop pausing when you're trying to write code. Run your unit tests within your IDE. Waiting on builds. Waiting on compilation of your code. Copying new code over. Setting up and forcing Java servers to run as you expect them to. Looking through hundreds of thousands of lines of log files to find out that you had one single little configuration error that caused hours of downtime. These are just a few of the wastes of time in Java development. Every Java developer has wasted hundreds of hours by going through these processes.
When you are building a web application the mantra should be- Deliver early, deliver often. Without clients, you're not getting feedback, and you're not making money. This is almost impossible when you're spending a fair amount of your time just forcing your development environment in to submission time and time again.
Deadly Sin # 2: Unproductive
Java is verbose. Extremely verbose. It not only has a syntax that requires 5 lines instead of 1 for particular tasks, the culture behind the language actually embraces the idea that more is less. If you looked at your average Java Web App you would find it replete with XML files, properties files, and javadoc blocks. Instead of running with sane configurations from the get go, you have to define that sane basis. Even to all the frameworks out there that are supposed to ease your development cycle, or provide particular functionality. You can't write self documenting code because you're working with something that is too low of level. This leads to a lot of time spent debugging frameworks and writing config files, instead of writing feature-driven code.
And finally...
Deadly Sin # 1: Distractions
Java developers are clever. By nature they must be. The frameworks they work with all day every day enforce and reinforce that concept all the time. Instead of writing twenty lines of servlet code for a simple API, they'll instead pull in a framework. Struts, Jersey, Spring MVC. Waste hours setting up the config files. It will never enter their consciousness that they've just completely over-engineered a twenty line program in to something that requires hundreds of lines of XML.
This produces unreadable, unproductive and unmaintainable code. There are a great many developers that have been forced to maintain these codebases and have become either enamored of them (because they must be to keep supporting it) or simply forced themselves to deal with it. Worse yet, most developers lose sight of the goal. They forget that their application still has constraints because it is just a given that most companies will simply 'deal with' the extra cost of the hardware that's needed to run it.
Don't get lost in the mire. Know what you're developing. Know how much engineering it needs. Don't add eight layers when you only need two. Remember: Keep it simple and stupid. The more simple your app is, the easier it will be for you to write the next big feature.
Stay tuned for my comparison of developing a web application in Java versus Ruby.